Extreme fire danger is forecast for large parts of Victoria on Thursday 26 December (Boxing Day). Leaving early is always the safest option. Stay informed at emergency.vic.gov.au (External link)

It is important to note that the sector domains, outcomes and indicators are numbered so it is easy for people to refer to, and discuss, them. The numbers do not imply a ranking or suggest that one is more or less important than another. We have a lot to achieve at the same time.

Reducing risks and impacts


Outcome 1: Victoria’s emergency management system reduces the risk and impact of emergencies on business, industry and our environment


  1. Reduce risk exposure by identifying and delivering mitigation measures
  2. Reduce the impact of disruptions to essential services and businesses
  3. Increase the accessibility, variety and uptake of insurance
  4. Increase the protection of our economy, environment and ecosystems from the impacts of emergencies
  5. Reduce the impact and consequences of emergencies on communities and businesses

Outcome 2: Victorians are empowered to proactively manage their own emergency risks


  1. Improve disclosure, sharing and quality of risk information/intelligence with individuals, communities and business
  2. Increase incentives and reduce barriers to addressing disaster risk
  3. Increase community and business capability to undertake mitigation actions to manage their emergency risk
  4. Increase community led and owned place-based risk reduction efforts

Outcome 3: Victorians are actively involved in decisions that affect them


  1. Increase community and business participation in emergency management
  2. Increase community and business leadership capability in emergency management
  3. Increase the accessibility of emergency management forums for community participation
  4. Increase the use of local and industry knowledge to inform planning and decision making

Outcome 4: Victoria invests in the resilience of our infrastructure 


  1. Reduce the damage and disruption to infrastructure 2.
  2. Increase collaborative investment to enhance infrastructure resilience
  3. Increase access to, and adoption of, programs to ‘build back better’
  4. Increase the ability of infrastructure networks to withstand emergency impacts 3

People-centred programs and services


Outcome 5: Self-determination of Traditional Owners and First Nations Peoples is recognised and supported


  1. Reduce barriers for Traditional Owners and First Nations Peoples to lead emergency management initiatives and practices
  2. Increase the capability of the emergency management sector to effectively respond to Traditional Owners and First Nations Peoples connection to culture and Country 
  3. Reduce barriers for Traditional Owners and First Nations Peoples to participate in emergency management decision making

Outcome 6: Victorians can access emergency management programs and services that are person-centred, equitable and inclusive


  1. Increase community and business engagement in the timing, design and delivery of services and programs
  2. Increase the responsiveness of services and programs to people’s needs, preferences and timeframes
  3. Increase the availability and effectiveness of programs and services for people most at-risk during an emergency
  4. Reduce barriers for people applying for and accessing services 

Outcome 7: Victoria’s emergency management system is timely and responsive


  1. Reduce delays to emergency services and supports
  2. Increase the accessibility and usability of real time data and intelligence to support decision making
  3. Increase timely and appropriate public information, warnings and alerts

Outcome 8: Victorians’ lived experiences with emergencies and best practice inform continuous improvement


  1. Increase the identification and sharing of lessons to inform continuous improvement across the sector
  2. Increase the use of research and evidence

Sustainable, effective sector


Outcome 9: Victorians are supported by a sustainable and agile workforce that represents the people it serves


  1. Increase workforce diversity and inclusion
  2. Increase surge workforce capacity to deal with complex and concurrent emergencies 
  3. Increase understanding and appropriate recognition of the value that volunteers, volunteering and volunteerism provide

Outcome 10: Victorians are supported by a workforce that is safe


  1. Decrease workplace injuries, hazards and compensation claims
  2. Increase staff and volunteer satisfaction
  3. Increase the capability of the sector to recognise trauma and provide mental health and wellbeing supports

Outcome 11: Victoria’s arrangements are integrated, responsive and provide clear accountability


  1. Increase understanding of roles, responsibilities and emergency arrangements
  2. Increase integration across state, regional and local levels
  3. Increase the sector’s capacity to make decisions and effectively respond to an emergency

Outcome 12: Victorians are supported by a well-resourced and innovative emergency management sector


  1. Increase the effectiveness of workforce and asset planning to meet future operational demand
  2. Increase the adoption of evidence-based decision making to improve efficiency and service delivery
  3. Increase monitoring and evaluation to identify improvements and inform learnings across the sector