Providing administrative support to SEMPC, REMPCs and MEMPCs

State Emergency Management Planning Committee

The State Emergency Management Planning Committee secretariat is provided by Emergency Management Victoria. 

Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee

The Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee (REMPC) secretariat and its roles are determined by each REMPC. Common tasks relating to the administration of REMPC meetings are outlined below.

In the lead-up to a meeting:  

  • Ensure there is a REMPC meeting in the calendar for February, May, August, November. REMPC meetings are generally held online, or as hybrid meetings.
    • If it is to be accessible online, ensure the invite includes a Microsoft Teams link (or other meeting link).  
    • If it is to be held as a hybrid meeting, ensure a meeting room with teleconferencing capabilities is booked. Any money required to book a facility or cater the meeting will need to be contributed from a member agency. There is no requirement for in-person meetings or catering. 
  • Set up a new folder within the REMPC’s Microsoft Teams for the relevant meeting. This will be where you save the meeting agenda and for REMPC members to upload any papers they would like considered.
    • On Microsoft Teams, the file path will be: REMPC Governance > Files > Meetings.
  • Work with the Chair to confirm the meeting agenda and upload it to the Microsoft Teams meeting folder. 
  • The Deputy Chair will act as Chair if they are unavailable, and support the functions of the Chair or other functions as determined by the individual REMPC. 

 During a meeting:

  • note attendance on the ‘contact list and attendance register’  
  • update the ‘Action item register’ 
  • take notes to support your minutes. You may choose to record the meeting. 

All REMPC documents are saved on the REMPC’s Microsoft Teams and are accessible from the ribbon at the top of the screen. 

After a meeting:

  • prepare minutes of the meeting 
  • prepare for the next meeting 
  • coordinate out of session items at the request of the Chair 
  • work with the Chair to develop and send formal REMPC correspondence to key stakeholders 
  • maintain the contact list of REMPC members and advise (External link) of changes to REMPC membership, to enable that member to be added to the REMPC’s Microsoft Team 
  • provide new members with link to this Resource Library as an orientation. 

The Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee

The Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committees (MEMPCs) secretariat and its roles are determined by each MEMPC.