Victoria’s Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2023

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  • Executive summary

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Victoria’s Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2023 is the eighth report published under Victoria’s critical infrastructure resilience arrangements.

The report identifies key emergency risks, inter-dependencies and resilience improvement initiatives being addressed collaboratively by industry and government across Victorian critical infrastructure sectors.

Executive summary

Disruptions to critical infrastructure can result in serious consequences for businesses, governments and the community. For this reason, understanding the risks that may impact services and the dependencies between critical infrastructure sectors is of utmost importance.

In July 2015, the Victorian Government introduced policy and legislative arrangements for critical infrastructure resilience to identify and assess the infrastructure assets most important to the state and foster a culture of building sector and organisational resilience.

Victoria’s Critical Infrastructure All Sectors Resilience Report 2023 provides information on Victoria’s 8 critical infrastructure sectors, in addition to the key emergency risks, inter-dependencies and resilience improvement initiatives identified by industry and government.

This is the eighth All Sectors Resilience Report, covering the period of 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. 

The report includes an overview of the 8 sectors, including their key activities, stakeholders and assets. It also reflects on the significant emergency events that had the potential to impact critical infrastructure services.

Over 2022-23, data breaches impacted many Australians, further driving the significant focus on cyber security by both government and private organisations.

Sectors highlighted:

  • cyber security threats
  • climate change and natural disasters
  • workforce issues
  • energy disruption
  • supply chain disruption, and
  • third-party service provider risks

among some of the top concerns for 2023-24. Domestic and international security threats, and potential impacts from severe space weather events have also been a focus at national level.

Victorian critical infrastructure stakeholders shared best practice and lessons from past events with their networks and contributed to Sector Resilience Plans to set a collective focus for the year ahead.

Government departments representing the Victorian critical infrastructure sectors met monthly to share information, initiatives, opportunities for cross sector collaboration and future strategic direction.

Victoria’s arrangements encourage an ongoing focus on preparedness, collaboration, information sharing, situational awareness and maintaining trusted relationships.

Strong partnerships between industry and government are a cornerstone of the arrangements and will continue to be so in the years ahead.

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