Guidelines for Preparing State, Regional and Municipal Emergency Management Plans

These Guidelines are issued by the Minister for Police and Emergency Services under section 77 of the Emergency Management Act 2013 (EM Act 2013) for emergency management planning. Prior to issuing these Guidelines, the Minister consulted the State Crisis and Resilience Council (SCRC) in accordance with section 77(4) of the EM Act 2013.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Phased implementation
  3. Emergency Management Plans
    • 3.1 Requirements
    • 3.2 Mitigation (including preparedness)
    • 3.3 Response (including readiness and relief)
    • 3.4 Recovery 
    • 3.5 Roles and responsibilities 
    • 3.6 An integrated, coordinated and comprehensive approach
    • 3.6.1 SEMP (section 60AD)
    • 3.6.2 REMPs (section 60ADA)
    • 3.6.3 MEMPs (section 60ADB)
    • 3.7 Sub-plans and complementary plans (section 60AC)
    • 3.7.1 Sub-plans
    • 3.7.2 Complementary plans
  4. The planning process
    • 4.1 Collaboration (section 60AA(1))
    • 4.2 Consultation and engagement
    • 4.2.1 SEMP consultation requirements (section 60AF)
    • 4.2.2 REMP consultation requirements (section 60AFA)
    • 4.2.3 MEMP consultation requirements (section 60AFB)
  5. Assurance, approval and publication 
    • 5.1 Statement of assurance (section 60AG) 
    • 5.2 Approval of an EMP (section 60AH) 
    • 5.3 Non-approval of an EMP 
    • 5.4 Publication of an EMP (section 60AI) 
  6. Review and update of plans 
    • 6.1 Review of EMPs (section 60AN) 
    • 6.2 Urgent update of EMPs (section 60AM) 
  7. Resolving disputes 
  8. Document information 
  9. Appendix A - Acronyms 
  10. Appendix B - Definitions 


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