Emergency Management Performance Standards

The Victorian Emergency Management Performance Standards provide responder agencies with objectives and minimum requirements for the emergency management functions they collectively undertake and clarify how these functions contribute to the shared vision of ‘safer and more resilient communities’.

As required by the Emergency Management Act 2013, the Emergency Management Commissioner has issued operational standards in relation to the performance by responder agencies of their functions (S48(1)).

These performance standards have been developed in collaboration with, and will form part of the operational approach for:

  • Country Fire Authority (CFA)
  • Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV)
  • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) 
  • Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES)

The Emergency Management Performance Standards version 3.0 will be effective as of 1 January 2020 for the commencement of reporting on 1 July 2020. The Emergency Management Performance Standards version 3.0 will supersede the previous versions.

In order to monitor performance against these standards and to indicate the sector’s progress towards achieving the desired outcomes, agencies are required to report on the actions taken to comply with the performance standard and the progress being made. 


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