Victorian communities urged to prepare for increased fire risk this spring

4 September 2024

Victoria’s far west and southwest are preparing for an increased fire risk this spring following an unusually dry autumn and winter. The Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook for Spring 2024 (External link) released today, highlights the potential for an early start to the bushfire season in these areas, extending through the Wimmera, Grampians National Park and the Mallee.

The dry conditions have led to a build-up of dead and dry plant material within forests making it easier for fires to start and spread. This increased risk is due to the expected warmer than average spring and uncertain rainfall. This could lead to a stronger drying pattern across the state.

The fire risk for other parts of Victoria is normal, but the bushfire season could start early in areas with dry forests, woodlands and grasslands.  

Authorities will continue to monitor the conditions closely and emergency services remain well prepared for emerging risks.

The Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook for Spring is developed by the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (External link) (AFAC). They are supported by the Bureau of Meteorology (External link) (BoM) along with state and territory fire and land managers.

Communities are urged to remain vigilant and well-prepared throughout the spring period, maintaining a high level of awareness.

You can keep up to date with the Fire Danger Ratings on the VicEmergency app and VicEmergency website.

You can also prepare by completing your fire plan (External link) or download a plan from the  Country Fire Authority (External link) (CFA).