State Emergency Management Plan, Regional Emergency Management Plan and Municipal Emergency Management Plan

Section 77 of the Emergency Management Act 2013 (External link) (EM Act 2013) details that the Minister may issue guidelines for, or with respect to:

  • the contents of an emergency management plan
  • the consultation process of an emergency management plan
  • assurance of an emergency management plan
  • the risk management methodology to be used in preparing an emergency management plan
  • dispute resolution processes to resolve disputes relating to emergency management planning, including exercise powers or the performance of functions/duties under the EM Act 2013
  • the conduct of business and meetings by Regional Emergency Management Planning Committees (REMPCs)
  • the conduct of business and meetings by Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committees (MEMPCs)
  • collaboration between MEMPCs
  • the responsibilities of Municipal Emergency Management Officers and Municipal Recovery Managers.

Under section 77, the Minister’s Guidelines for Preparing State, Regional and Municipal Emergency Management Plans (Ministerial Guidelines) have been issued by the Minister for Emergency Services to provide detailed, practical information on the preparation, assurance, approval and publication, review and update of emergency management plans, including sub-plans, at state, regional, and municipal levels.

Section 60AC(b) of the EM Act 2013 requires preparers of emergency management plans, to have regard to the Ministerial Guidelines.

In October 2024, the guidelines were updated. Read our 2024 Guidelines refresh page to find out what has changed.

Community Emergency Management Plan

Under Section 32(1)(ma) of the Emergency Management Act 2013 (External link), the Emergency Management Commissioner (EMC) may issue guidelines in relation to Community Emergency Management Plans. The EMC has not yet exercised this legislated function.