
Displaying 21 - 30 of 285 results
Publish date Title Summary
Emergency Management Operational Communication - Probity Framework This Probity Framework comprises the non-negotiable probity protocols which must be adhered to throughout the above Project. The Victorian Government seeks to ensure that probity is maintained in all its commercial dealings and this Framework demonstrates that commitment.
Tabard Review Review of Use and Application of Tabards within the Emergency Management Sector
Government Response to the IGEM Review of the initial response to the 2015 Wye River-Jamieson Track fire The Minister for Emergency Services requested the Inspector-General for Emergency Management (IGEM) to provide the Minister with an interim and final report on the lessons to date from the 2015 Wye River-Jamieson Track Fire by 21 January 2016 and February 2016 respectively.
EMOC Program Emergency Management Operational Communications Program
FSC State Training Framework May 2013 Fire Services Commissioner (FSC) State Training Framework May 2013
Goongerah Deddick Trail Fire Community Report Goongerah Deddick Trail Fire Community Report
Fire Services Commissioner Annual Report 2013-2014 Fire Services Commissioner Annual Report 2013-2014
EMV Vision Goal Roles and Values Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) supports a sector-wide approach to achieve joined up outcomes that are community-focused.
Mt Ray Boundary Track Fire January-March 2014 Community Report Mt Ray Boundary Track Fire January-March 2014 Community Report
Mt Ray Boundary Track Fire January-March 2014 - Community Report Mt Ray Boundary Track Fire January-March 2014 - Community Report