Acronym Explanation 
ADF Australian Defence Force 
AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator 
AFP Australian Federal Police 
AMSA Australian Maritime Safety Authority 
ANS Air Navigation Services 
ARC Australian Red Cross 
ARFFS Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting Services 
ATSB Australian Transport Safety Bureau 
AUSASSISTPLAN Australian Government Overseas Assistance Plan 
AUSMAT Australian Medical Assistance Team 
AV Ambulance Victoria 
AVA Australian Veterinary Association 
BoM Bureau of Meteorology 
CA Control Agency 
CBRNE Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive 
CCOV Coroners Court of Victoria 
CES Chief Environmental Scientist 
CFA Country Fire Authority 
CHO Chief Health Officer 
CMA Catchment Management Authority 
COAG Council of Australian Governments 
COMDISPLAN Australian Government Disaster Response Plan 
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation 
DACC  Defence Aid to the Civil Community 
DE Department of Education  
DEECA Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action 
DFACA Defence Forces Aid to the Civil Authority 
DFAT Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 
DFFH Department of Families, Fairness and Housing 
DGS Department of Government Services 
DH Department of Health 
DJCS Department of Justice and Community Safety 
DJSIRDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions 
DoD Department of Defence 
DPC  Department of Premier and Cabinet 
DTF  Department of Treasury and Finance 
DTPDepartment of Transport and Planning (including Head, Transport for Victoria) 
EM Emergency Management 
EMC Emergency Management Commissioner 
EMLO Emergency Management Liaison Officer 
EMR Emergency Medical Response 
EMV Emergency Management Victoria 
EPA Environment Protection Authority 
ERV Emergency Recovery Victoria 
ESV  Energy Safe Victoria 
FFMVic Forest Fire Management Victoria 
FMR Fire Medical Response 
FRV Fire Rescue Victoria 
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials 
Head, TfV Head, Transport for Victoria 
HESP Health Emergencies Sub-Plan 
ICA Insurance Council of Australia Ltd 
ICC Incident Control Centre 
IMT Incident Management Team 
IRS Incident Response Service 
JOSS Joint Operations Support Staff 
LSV Life Saving Victoria 
MEMP Municipal Emergency Management Plan 
MEMPC Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee 
MOU Memorandum of Understanding 
NBN Co National Broadband Network Company 
NEMA National Emergency Management Agency 
NOPSEMA National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority 
PFA Psychological First Aid 
PV Parks Victoria 
R.F.R Register.Find.Reunite 
RAC Rural Assistance Commissioner 
RCC Regional Control Centre 
RecCA Recovery Coordinating Agency 
RecLA Recovery Lead Agency 
RecSA Recovery Support Agency 
RelCA Relief Coordinating Agency 
RelLA Relief Lead Agency 
RelSA Relief Support Agency 
REMP Regional Emergency Management Plan 
REMPC Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee 
RSA Response Support Agency 
RSPCA  Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 
Salvation Army Salvation Army – Victorian Emergency Services 
SAR Search and Rescue 
SCC State Control Centre 
SCCo State Consequence Coordinator 
SCRC State Crisis and Resilience Council 
SEMP State Emergency Management Plan 
SERC State Emergency Relief Coordinator 
SRC State Response Controller 
SReC State Recovery Coordinator 
ST Vic Safe Transport Victoria 
Telstra Telstra Corporation Limited 
TZVTriple Zero Victoria
USAR Urban Search and Rescue 
VBA Victorian Building Authority 
VCC EM Victorian Council of Churches Emergencies Ministry 
VFA Victorian Fisheries Authority 
VicPol Victoria Police 
VICSES Victoria State Emergency Service 
VIFM Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine 
VMIA  Victorian Managed Insurance Authority 
VPF Victorian Preparedness Framework 
WICEN Wireless Institute Civil Emergency Network