Assurance and Learning core capability

Support continuous improvement to improve emergency management practice and community safety by extracting understanding from experience and research, reviewing community consequences, investigating causes and outcomes, providing assurance and translating lessons into behaviour change.

Note: All agencies undertake assurance and learning activities as required, and these activities should align to the principles in the Lessons Management Framework.

Critical Task Table 21: Agency roles mapped to the VPF, by critical tasks within the Assurance and Learning core capability


Critical Task 21.1: Undertake assurance activities before, during and after major emergency events.

Agency Activity Additional alignment to critical tasks


Coordinate Victorian Electricity Emergency Committee and Gas Emergency Management Consultative Forum emergency exercises

1.6, 21.3

Prepare gas emergency procedures, in consultation with government, ESV and industry

1.2, 1.6, 21.3


Assist where required with transport safety data recording, analysis and research, as well as foster safety awareness, knowledge and action

2.1, 4.4, 21.2

Investigate accidents and other transport safety matters involving civil aviation, marine and rail operations in Australia within Commonwealth jurisdiction, and participate in overseas investigations involving Australian registered aircraft and ships.

3.1, 3.2, 21.2

Issue public reports on investigations, safety issues and reports on remedial safety actions

2.1, 4.5, 4.6, 6.5, 21.3, 21.5

Liaise with agencies as required when carrying out safety investigations to determine contributing and other safety factors to identify and reduce safety-related risk and foster safety awareness, knowledge and action

2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 21.2, 21.4, 21.5


Undertake and participate in research to enhance the evidence-base in pre-hospital clinical and disaster management skills (including for mass casualty incidents and emergencies with health consequences) and patient outcomes.


Undertake research and quality assurance activities before, during and after major emergency events.



Participate in emergency debrief forums, as requested or required, of emergency events impacting cross border communities.



Participate in a post incident review/debrief



*     responsibilities under Part 7A of the Emergency Management Act 2013 involve working with the energy sector to enhance critical infrastructure resilience, through formulation of policy, emergency risk management planning by operators, observing exercises for resilience improvement cycles and designating vital critical infrastructure where appropriate

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 19.4, 19.5, 21.3

Wildlife welfare arising from emergency events - develop policy, programs and training for responding to wildlife welfare during emergencies



Maintain DFFH state-wide emergency management surge capability and undertake annual/seasonal preparedness activities for emergency management operations, including reviews and updates of operational manuals, procedures, protocols and policies



Capture insights from activities to inform future response and review regulatory improvement opportunities to mitigate similar future emergency events


Work with the transport sector to enhance critical infrastructure resilience, through post-emergency event reviews and conducting, participating in and observing exercises to inform government policy as part of resilience improvement cycles for responsible entities

1.6, 19.1, 19.2, 19.4,21.2, 21.3

Emergency Broadcasters

Participate in emergency debrief forums, particularly regarding public information and media issues



Coordinate state level learning activities in collaboration with all relevant agencies, including real-time monitoring, debriefing and reviewing


Coordinate, collect, analyse and communicate reporting on sector performance, in collaboration with all relevant agencies


Support and promote the learning mechanisms that exist throughout the emergency management system before, during and after emergency events, including supporting all relevant agencies to establish the capability to undertake debrief and review activities at state, region, incident and local tiers, as required



Provide technical support in the prevention, mitigation and risk reduction of pollution and waste emergencies by undertaking regulatory, enforcement and investigative activities under the Environment Protection Act



Establish and maintain contemporary state and regional recovery policies, doctrine, guidelines, frameworks and programs, built on monitoring, insights and evaluation learnings captured from previous major emergencies, exercises and good practice case studies


Lead and support real-time monitoring, event debriefing and review of relief and recovery coordination


Oversee whole of government recovery progress towards recovery outcomes



Provide information or insight based on ESTA’s Emergency communications information assets for post-incident review



Gather and disseminate intelligence via surveys, face to face and online communication, information newsletters with charity and agency partners to determine supply and demand trends to meet ongoing food relief requirements and efforts in disaster affected areas

4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7

Track, assess and determine ongoing and changing food relief intelligence, trends and requirements across the state via regular surveys, data mapping, and strong, established communication pathways with the charity sector and agency partners

4.6, 4.7, 21.2


Investigate accidents, occurrences and other circumstances that may affect occupational health and safety, well integrity and environmental management of offshore petroleum operations and offshore greenhouse gas well operations and environmental management of greenhouse gas storage activities

4.4, 11.1


Collect, analyse and report on safety data and performance

4.4, 21.2

Conduct safety audits of transport operators and determine compliance with safety requirements


Investigate incidents and accidents for compliance with transport safety legislation and take enforcement action as appropriate

4.4, 21.2, 21.3


Capture insights from activities to inform future response and review regulatory improvement opportunities to mitigate similar future emergency events


Undertake inspections, investigations and audits on a risk basis to ensure compliance with relevant legislation during response/ recovery



Through the MERC, ensure the Control Agency organises an operational debrief with support agencies as soon as practicable after response activities finish


Through the RERC, ensure the RCT and REMT conduct an operational debrief, where necessary, after a period of activation



Where warranted, taking into consideration the magnitude of the event and the losses to government, VMIA will conduct a post recovery retrospective assessment and work with impacted Departments and agencies to identify any claims and insurance lessons.

4.5, 4.6, 11.3


Investigate, report and analyse information for current and emerging risks and hazards before, during and after incidents involving:
*     Workplace-related fatalities, and life threatening or serious injury
*     transport of dangerous goods and chemicals and high consequence dangerous goods and explosives
*     use, storage and handling of dangerous goods and chemicals and high consequence dangerous goods

1.3, 1.5, 4.4, 8.1, 21.2, 21.3, 21.4


Critical Task 21.2: Analyse insights and identify lessons from assurance activities.

Agency Activity Additional alignment to critical tasks


Assist where required with transport safety data recording, analysis and research, as well as foster safety awareness, knowledge and action

2.1, 4.4, 21.1

Investigate accidents and other transport safety matters involving civil aviation, marine and rail operations in Australia within Commonwealth jurisdiction, and participate in overseas investigations involving Australian registered aircraft and ships.

3.1, 3.2, 21.1

Liaise with agencies as required when carrying out safety investigations to determine contributing and other safety factors to identify and reduce safety-related risk and foster safety awareness, knowledge and action

2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 21.1, 21.4, 21.5


Undertake operational debrief and use insights to identify lessons from these activities.



Establish and maintain contemporary DFFH l relief and social recovery policies, guidelines, frameworks and programs, built on insights and lessons captured from previous major emergencies, exercises and better practice case studies

21.1, 21.3, 21.4


Work with the transport sector to enhance critical infrastructure resilience, through post-emergency event reviews and conducting, participating in and observing exercises to inform government policy as part of resilience improvement cycles for responsible entities

1.6, 19.1, 19.2, 19.4,21.1, 21.3


Coordinate the collation and analysis of observations from various sources to identify lessons, in collaboration with all relevant agencies



Establish and maintain contemporary state and regional recovery policies, doctrine, guidelines, frameworks and programs, built on monitoring, insights and evaluation learnings captured from previous major emergencies, exercises and good practice case studies


Lead and support real-time monitoring, event debriefing and review of relief and recovery coordination


Oversee whole of government recovery progress towards recovery outcomes



*     Administer regulations and codes to ensure electricity safety and associated risks are minimised as far as practicable through reviewing, monitoring and auditing the compliance of electrical infrastructure, electrical installations, electrical equipment and vegetation with the specified safety standards, accepted electricity safety management schemes or prescriptive legislation; and enforce compliance where regulated entities are in breach of their legislative obligations.

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 5.4

*     Administer regulations and codes to ensure gas safety and associated risks are minimised as far as practicable through: reviewing and monitoring and auditing compliance of networks, appliances, gas equipment, gas components, gas installations, gas related services and the conveyance, sale, supply, measurement, control and use of gas with the specified safety standards or accepted gas safety cases; and enforce compliance where regulated entities are in breach of their legislative obligations.

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 5.4


Track, assess and determine ongoing and changing food relief intelligence, trends and requirements across the state via regular surveys, data mapping, and strong, established communication pathways with the charity sector and agency partners

4.6, 4.7, 21.1


Collect, analyse and report on safety data and performance

4.4, 21.1

Investigate incidents and accidents for compliance with transport safety legislation and take enforcement action as appropriate

4.4, 21.1, 21.3


Investigate, report and analyse information for current and emerging risks and hazards before, during and after incidents involving:
*     Workplace-related fatalities, and life threatening or serious injury
*     transport of dangerous goods and chemicals and high consequence dangerous goods and explosives
*     use, storage and handling of dangerous goods and chemicals and high consequence dangerous goods

1.3, 1.5, 4.4, 8.1, 21.1, 21.3, 21.4


Critical Task 21.3: Assess identified lessons for change / improvement activities.

Agency Activity Additional alignment to critical tasks


Coordinate Victorian Electricity Emergency Committee and Gas Emergency Management Consultative Forum emergency exercises

1.6, 21.1

Prepare gas emergency procedures, in consultation with government, ESV and industry

1.2, 1.6, 21.1


Issue public reports on investigations, safety issues and reports on remedial safety actions

2.1, 4.5, 4.6, 6.5, 21.1, 21.5


Assess identified lessons for change / improvement activities.



Update the Emergency Risk Management Plan with findings and recommendations from any major event including annual exercises

1.3, 21.5


*     responsibilities under Part 7A of the Emergency Management Act 2013 involve working with the energy sector to enhance critical infrastructure resilience, through formulation of policy, emergency risk management planning by operators, observing exercises for resilience improvement cycles and designating vital critical infrastructure where appropriate

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 19.4, 19.5, 21.1


Establish and maintain contemporary DFFH l relief and social recovery policies, guidelines, frameworks and programs, built on insights and lessons captured from previous major emergencies, exercises and better practice case studies

21.1, 21.4


Capture insights from activities to inform future response and review regulatory improvement opportunities to mitigate similar future emergency events


Work with the transport sector to enhance critical infrastructure resilience, through post-emergency event reviews and conducting, participating in and observing exercises to inform government policy as part of resilience improvement cycles for responsible entities

1.6, 19.1, 19.2, 19.4,21.1, 21.2


Coordinate the assessment, prioritization and communication of lessons and any required change activities to ensure the lesson is learned, in collaboration with all relevant agencies



Investigate incidents and accidents for compliance with transport safety legislation and take enforcement action as appropriate

4.4, 21.1, 21.2


Capture insights from activities to inform future response and review regulatory improvement opportunities to mitigate similar future emergency events



Investigate, report and analyse information for current and emerging risks and hazards before, during and after incidents involving:
*     Workplace-related fatalities, and life threatening or serious injury
*     transport of dangerous goods and chemicals and high consequence dangerous goods and explosives
*     use, storage and handling of dangerous goods and chemicals and high consequence dangerous goods

1.3, 1.5, 4.4, 8.1, 21.1, 21.2, 21.4


Critical Task 21.4: Monitor and measure improvement activities and outcomes.

Agency Activity Additional alignment to critical tasks


Liaise with agencies as required when carrying out safety investigations to determine contributing and other safety factors to identify and reduce safety-related risk and foster safety awareness, knowledge and action

2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 21.1, 21.2, 21.5


Monitor and measure improvement activities and outcomes.



Monitor and report on performance of regional floodplain management strategies



Establish and maintain contemporary DFFH l relief and social recovery policies, guidelines, frameworks and programs, built on insights and lessons captured from previous major emergencies, exercises and better practice case studies

21.1, 21.3


Provide assurance to government that recovery needs are being met



Investigate, report and analyse information for current and emerging risks and hazards before, during and after incidents involving:
*     Workplace-related fatalities, and life threatening or serious injury
*     transport of dangerous goods and chemicals and high consequence dangerous goods and explosives
*     use, storage and handling of dangerous goods and chemicals and high consequence dangerous goods

1.3, 1.5, 4.4, 8.1, 21.1, 21.2, 21.3


Critical Task 21.5: Provide opportunities for all personnel to access and utilise identified lessons.

Agency Activity Additional alignment to critical tasks


Issue public reports on investigations, safety issues and reports on remedial safety actions

2.1, 4.5, 4.6, 6.5, 21.1, 21.3

Liaise with agencies as required when carrying out safety investigations to determine contributing and other safety factors to identify and reduce safety-related risk and foster safety awareness, knowledge and action

2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 21.1, 21.2, 21.4


Provide opportunities for all personnel to access and utilise identified lessons.



Contribute to reducing preventable deaths and fires through the findings of coronial investigations of deaths and fires, and the make recommendations to promote public health and safety

1.4, 2.1


Update the Emergency Risk Management Plan with findings and recommendations from any major event including annual exercises

1.3, 21.3


Coordinate the development of learning products and disseminate to sector agencies to communicate lessons to a broad sector audience, in collaboration with all relevant agencies