Role statement - Emergency Management Commissioner

Emergency Management Commissioner

The Emergency Management Commissioner (EMC) provides leadership for emergency management in Victoria, including driving improvements, particularly for operational capability and interoperability. During a major emergency, the EMC has an overarching role to ensure that the response and recovery is coordinated and control arrangements are in place. The EMC has responsibility for coordination before, during and after major emergencies, including consequence management as defined in the Emergency Management Act 2013 (EM Act 2013).

The EMC is responsible for leading and promoting the implementation of the elements of the Strategic Action Plan that relate to improvements to the operational capability of responder agencies. This includes working with the Chief Executive of EMV to ensure that agencies implement their work programs under the Strategic Action Plan. The EMC must have regard to the fundamental importance of the role that volunteers play in the performance of emergency management functions in Victoria.  


ActivityCritical task alignment / activity source
Develop, review and maintain operational standards for the performance of emergency management functions by responder agencies in consultation with responder agencies and EMV1.1
Develop and maintain incident management operating procedures for responder agencies1.1
Issue guidelines in relation to community emergency management planning1.2
Consider any REMP submitted by a REMPC for approval1.6
Provide guidance to REMPCs in relation to compliance with the requirements of Parts 5 and 6A of the EM Act 20131.4
Share information with REMPCs to assist effective emergency management planning in accordance with Part 6A of the EM Act 20131.4

Responsible, with the Chief Executive EMV, for advising the SCRC in relation to any matter being considered by the SCRC on behalf of:

  • FRV
  • CFA
  • TZV
Be responsible for the preparation and review of the SEMP1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
Arrange for the preparation of the SEMP to provide for an integrated, coordinated and comprehensive approach to emergency management at a State level1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Direct in writing an agency to act in accordance with the SEMP of the opinion that the agency has failed to act in accordance with the SEMP and the agency's failure is likely to have significant consequences1.2, 3.1
Provide advice to the relevant Minister(s) on any matter relating to the functions of the EMC4.5

Response (including Relief)

ActivityCritical task alignment / activity source
Ensure that control arrangements are in place during Class 1 or Class 2 emergencies and that the relevant agencies act in accordance with the SEMP and any directions made under section 60AL of the EM Act 20133.1
Control agency for HeatTable 9: Control agencies for response
Appoint a SRC in relation to a Class 1 emergency in accordance with section 37 of the EM Act 20133.1, 3.2
Responsible for consequence management for a major emergency in accordance with section 45 of the EM Act 20133.1
Be responsible for the coordination of activities of agencies having roles or responsibilities in relation to the response to Class 1 or Class 2 emergencies3.1, 3.2
Endorse persons who have relevant expertise in managing hazards relevant to a Class 1 emergency as controllers3.1
Ensure that a current list of endorsed controllers is maintained3.1
Request the Chief Commissioner of Police appoint a police officer to be an emergency response coordinator for each region and municipal district3.1

Develop, and review from time to time, incident management operating procedures for the planning and preparation for the response to and responding to, emergencies, including:

  • training, development and accreditation of incident management personnel
  • incident management facilities
  • incident management systems
  • management of the State's primary control centre (SCC) for the response to emergencies
3.1, 3.3
Manage the State’s primary control centre (SCC) on behalf of, and in collaboration with, all agencies that may use it for emergencies3.2, 3.3
Ensure warnings are issued, and information is provided to the community in relation to fires in Victoria for the purposes of protecting life and property, with regard to any guidelines, procedures and operating protocols the EMC has issued in consultation with the fire services agencies2.3
Ensure the relevant Minister(s) is provided with timely and up to date information in relation to that actual or imminent occurrence of events which may lead to major emergencies, and the response to major emergencies4.4, 4.5, 4.6
Coordinate data collection and impact assessment processes11.2, 11.3
Request information in relation to control arrangements from the appointed SRC or relevant control agency for the purpose of enabling the performance of functions specified in the EM Act 20133.1
Request information from an agency in relation to consequence management for the purpose of enabling the performance of functions specified in the EM Act 20133.1
Require, by written notice, an agency or a Department to give any information reasonably believed necessary for the purposes of performing the functions specified in the EM Act 2013.3.1
If performing functions relating to the coordination of a regional or municipal emergency response as part of the function under section 32(1)(a) of the EM Act 2013 take into account the advice of the Senior Police Liaison Officer3.2


ActivityCritical task alignment / activity source
Responsible for recovery coordination of the activities of organisations, including agencies, having roles or responsibilities under the SEMP in relation to recovery from all emergencies 3.1

Assurance and Learning

For assurance and learning activities, refer directly to the agency for further information.