Economic Recovery core capability

Support the recovery and resilience of economic and business activities (including food and agriculture) to provide the community with jobs, goods and services, and higher living standards.

Critical Task Table 17: Agency roles mapped to the VPF, by critical tasks within the Economic Recovery core capability


Critical Task 17.1: Assess and identify business and economic needs.

Agency Activity Additional alignment to critical tasks


Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) to DJSIR to identify and monitor broad economic impacts, consequences and adaptation to emergencies



Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) for agriculture, including Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to implement available financial assistance to assist primary producers’ recovery by gathering impact and loss information and promoting the support to primary producers and stakeholders

3.2, 4.5, 17.2, 17.5, 17.4


Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) responsible for the recovery functional area of public telecommunications



Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) responsible for the recovery and coordination in the economy and businesses functional areas, in the economic environment.

11.2, 17.2


Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) to asset owner/s or managing agency/s of roads and bridges to undertake the assessment, restoration, clean-up and rehabilitation of public buildings and assets owned or managed by DTP

9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 17.2, 19.1,
19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 19.5, 19.6, 19.7, 19.8, 20.6


Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) to implement available rural financial assistance to assist:
*     primary producers’ recovery
*     small businesses’ recovery
*     economic recovery

15.4, 20.3


Provide insurance and insurance market insights advice during an emergency



Highlight employers in impacted areas who may require support with interim financial relief from premium payments and/or provision of information and advice or assisting their workers with submitting claims

4.5, 4.6, 17.2, 17.3, 20.5


Critical Task 17.2: Assist impacted businesses to access information and advice.

Agency Activity Additional alignment to critical tasks


Provide advice on, or refer as required, issues impacting cross border communities recovering from emergency events.



Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) to DJSIR to assist businesses to navigate available information and advice following an emergency, including through industry associations and business networks


Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) to DJSIR to implement approved funded activities, projects and programs to assist economic and business recovery and encourage the resumption of trade following an emergency



Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) for agriculture, including Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to deliver recovery programs and advice to primary producers, rural land managers and other animal businesses by providing technical advice and services on strategies to re-establish rural enterprises, rehabilitate productive land and economic recovery

17.4, 17.5

Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) for agriculture, including Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to deliver recovery programs and technical advice on re-establishment or alternative strategies to primary producers, rural land managers and other animal businesses by ensuring effective communication channels between various agencies, organisations and communities, sharing local intelligence and data analysis, and providing advice on ongoing treatments

4.5, 17.5, 17.4

Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) for agriculture, including Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to implement available financial assistance to assist primary producers’ recovery by gathering impact and loss information and promoting the support to primary producers and stakeholders

3.2, 4.5, 17.1, 17.5, 17.4

Energy - through Solar Victoria, provide information and funding to enable homes and small business affected by emergency events to install new or replacement renewable energy systems



Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) responsible for the recovery functional area of public telecommunications



Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) responsible for the recovery and coordination in the economy and businesses functional areas, in the economic environment.

11.2, 17.1


Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) to asset owner/s or managing agency/s of roads and bridges to undertake the assessment, restoration, clean-up and rehabilitation of public buildings and assets owned or managed by DTP

9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 17.1, 19.1,
19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 19.5, 19.6, 19.7, 19.8, 20.6


If appropriate, deploy a variety of mobile temporary network resources with the aim of delivering limited/partial service restoration

3.3, 3.5, 10.4, 19.6, 19.7


Provide 24/7 emergency claims support and the engagement with a third party to provide assistance during an emergency

4.5, 17.3

Provide claims management, loss adjuster and claims preparation support during and after an emergency

4.5, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 17.3


Highlight employers in impacted areas who may require support with interim financial relief from premium payments and/or provision of information and advice or assisting their workers with submitting claims

4.5, 4.6, 17.1, 17.3, 20.5


Critical Task 17.3: Coordinate insurance industry information and advice.

Agency Activity Additional alignment to critical tasks


Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) to ERV who is the Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) in coordinating  insurance industry response, information, advice



Support local and state government to participate in state, regional and local recovery committees to advise on insurance issues and to expedite community recovery

4.5, 4.6

Support local and state government to:
*     Brief governments on insurance coverage, claims lodgement and estimated economic impact of disaster events

4.5, 4.6


Provide 24/7 emergency claims support and the engagement with a third party to provide assistance during an emergency

4.5, 17.2

Provide claims management, loss adjuster and claims preparation support during and after an emergency

4.5, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 17.2

Provide insurance and claims support and assistance to the following agencies (and all other insured entities) to aid DE and DH to the extent any state schools or state health services are impacted

3.2, 4.5

Provide insurance for the Emergency Resource Providers Support Scheme for response preparedness to enable use of private resources for emergency response


Provide services to the Victorian government on risk and insurance issues and trends

2.1, 4.5

Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to administer insurance claims relating to State Government assets damaged or destroyed in an emergency and any insured legal liability claims against state agencies


Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) in providing insurance and claims support and assistance to the following agencies (and all other insured entities) to aid DEECA, DTP and their related infrastructure to undertake the assessment, restoration, clean-up and rehabilitation of roads, bridges, tunnels and culverts asset managers are directly responsible for managing.

3.2, 4.5

Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) in providing insurance and claims support and assistance to the following agencies (and all other insured entities) to aid DEECA/PV in its lead role of rehabilitating, restoring and reinstating public land tourism and visitor and assets DEECA or PV is directly responsible for managing to mitigate risks

3.2, 4.5


Highlight employers in impacted areas who may require support with interim financial relief from premium payments and/or provision of information and advice or assisting their workers with submitting claims

4.5, 4.6, 17.1, 17.2, 20.5


Critical Task 17.4: Provide technical advice on re-establishment or alternative strategies.

Agency Activity Additional alignment to critical tasks


Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) for agriculture, including Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to deliver recovery programs and advice to primary producers, rural land managers and other animal businesses by providing technical advice and services on strategies to re-establish rural enterprises, rehabilitate productive land and economic recovery

17.2, 17.5

Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) for agriculture, including Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to deliver recovery programs and technical advice on re-establishment or alternative strategies to primary producers, rural land managers and other animal businesses by ensuring effective communication channels between various agencies, organisations and communities, sharing local intelligence and data analysis, and providing advice on ongoing treatments

4.5, 17.2, 17.5

Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) for agriculture, including Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to implement available financial assistance to assist primary producers’ recovery by gathering impact and loss information and promoting the support to primary producers and stakeholders

3.2, 4.5, 17.1, 17.2, 17.5

Melbourne Water

Lead the delivery of the following recovery activities - support the recovery and rehabilitation of areas directly impacted by the failure of Melbourne Water’s assets or systems



Critical Task 17.5: Deliver targeted intervention strategies if required.

Agency Activity Additional alignment to critical tasks


Recovery Support Agency (RecSA) to DEECA to deliver recovery programs and advice to primary producers, and rural land managers and other animal businesses



Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) for agriculture, including Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to deliver recovery programs and advice to primary producers, rural land managers and other animal businesses by providing technical advice and services on strategies to re-establish rural enterprises, rehabilitate productive land and economic recovery


Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) for agriculture, including Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to deliver recovery programs and technical advice on re-establishment or alternative strategies to primary producers, rural land managers and other animal businesses by ensuring effective communication channels between various agencies, organisations and communities, sharing local intelligence and data analysis, and providing advice on ongoing treatments

4.5, 17.2, 17.4

Recovery Coordinating Agency (RecCA) for agriculture, including Recovery Lead Agency (RecLA) to implement available financial assistance to assist primary producers’ recovery by gathering impact and loss information and promoting the support to primary producers and stakeholders

3.2, 4.5, 17.1, 17.2, 17.4


Un-meter customer access to key websites such as state fire authorities, emergency services, BoM, etc.


Where appropriate, Telstra provide relief packages for Telstra customers



Ensure injured workers impacted by the emergency event are identified during the claims process to expedite provision of required supports and a timely response to their claim

15.2, 20.5

Highlight injured workers in impacted areas who are currently in receipt of weekly benefits or other (notably with legal proceedings) and facilitate other means of obtaining support if necessary

4.5, 20.5